The world faces a looming water crisis with immense consequences for health, agriculture, industry, the environment, and even social stability. Water scarcity, characterized by insufficient access to clean and safe water, is a growing threat across the globe. This includes Europe and even the Netherlands. In fact, the Netherlands currently struggles with some of the poorest water quality in the EU, including a significant issue with PFAS contamination.
Water is of vital importance. And the biggest challenge is to ensure that everyone has easy access to sufficient, clean and safe water by:
• Developing new water sources
• Improved accessibility and management of water
• Ensuring water quality
Momentum Clean Water Assets focuses on the core of the problem: water quality. We focus on data and use Artificial Intelligence for diagnosing water pollution. And we focus on the polluter. In particular, we are committed to a decentralized, globally scalable technology with intellectual property (IP) for water purification at large-scale consumers; industrial parties that are currently carrying out permitted but unacceptable discharges.
With a specialized team and specific investment criteria, Momentum Clean Water Assets is building a portfolio of companies engaged in:
• AI – driven water solutions
• Water treatment solutions