Giving light purpose


Seaborough is an innovative R&D company in the field of light and nanotechnology. It specializes in three areas: Electronics, Materials and Life Science. Seaborough's technology contributes to achieving the Paris climate agreement. 

In the Electronics program, a patented solution for replacing mercury-containing fluorescent tubes is marketed under the name OneTLed, which works on 100% of all ballasts and fixtures. Linked to this is a technology that actually guarantees promised energy savings. This puts the company at the forefront of the market.
The Materials program (EuroLED) is working on more efficient phosphors at the nano level for pioneering LED applications that ensure that LED lighting not only becomes more energy efficient, but also improves the quality of light.
The Life Science program offers lighting solutions for medical and preventive health purposes that can be used in everyday use, including applications in lighting, but also screens of tablets, telephones, etc.